Modern life is filled with distractions, time takers, and all sorts of disheveled drudgery. There is no time for peace and silence. Yet, I pause to catch my breath and take notice of the birds chirping and the wind blowing. The beauty of the rose bushes with the small white and purple flowers dotting all over yard.
I then come to this realization…..
Photo by Julia Volk
As the hustle of an overly consumeristic life slows down in my mind, I begin to realize that it is not hindsight 20/20 but hindsight 70. When I am 70, I will no longer enjoy the “new car” that is now decades old. I will not care what phone I have in my pocket. The brand of shirt won’t matter and the shoes will just need to be good enough. When I am 70, I will still enjoy the roses and the colorful art of the small white and purple flowers will be a treat. As my hearing fails, I will dream of the chirping of birds. As my sight dims, I will search for the beautiful red cardinal that will never be found. I will miss the ability to reach out and pick that tomato with easy and the laughing of my children will be but memory.
As I think on these things, I realize my job and possessions mean nothing. Sure they help but oh what I would give to see my wife and my children. To be able to enjoy the natural world, the world He created and how He designed it.
The modern world has helped ease our lives. But, the more we search the more we realize that whole natural Creation provides more health benefits than the ultimate lab experiment. In the pursuit of comfort and safety we are destroying the things that provide the greatest and longest satisfaction. Modern safety and modern comfort are costing us so much and yet we just ignore it.
Faith, family, friends, and nature are the key to timeless, true, real happiness. Sadly most of us will realize this too late.
My hope is that it is not too late for me….
― ♰ ―
A. T. Sully
2 Corinthians 13:14
Photo by Harun Tan