New Covenant Hymns ReviewPoetry from a New Covenant perspective and a more Calvinistic worldview. Note that I am not a Calvinist. There is a variety metre for all to enjoy. February 13, 2024 shortbookreviews

The MistakeHere I stand before Thee, With my life before me; I tried and tried to walk my way, And by myself I went astray; But here am I, now on my knees, February 3, 2024 poetry

Goals for the Year 2024Be more active. Do pilates 30 minutes a day. Either Morning or Night depending on the day’s schedule. More Bible Reading and Studying Slower reading January 1, 2024 ramblings

True VirtueMen are not the things they own, Rather they are judged by the deeds they sow. From your heart only can virtue spring, So let Christ show forth, December 30, 2023 poetry

Observations on MonksSince I was younger, I have always admired the discipline of the monastic orders. I myself growing up as a Baptist did not have religious orders and November 19, 2023 ramblings

My Thoughts on Written PrayersGrowing up I heard of prayers that they need to” just flow from you”. And through my early adult life I felt that I needed to not have as the October 28, 2023 prayers

Prayer, Poetry, and Ponderings from a Christian Writer.

The Crucified and Risen King will be returning.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
A.T.Sully © CC-by-SA
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