The Last Shadar Book ReviewI just finished the first book in an upcoming series called The Last Shadar The Tribulations of Eloria Book 1 by Dan Rendell. After taking time to October 23, 2023 shortbookreviews

Slow Intentional ReadingYou see many a “guru” nowadays boasting about how many books they read and how fast they read them. Yet those who generally read the most or whose June 14, 2023 essay minimalism

For To Me To LiveFor to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21 The verse above says it all. Paul talks about Christ as the center of our lives February 25, 2023 essay minimalism

Psalms for Weary ChristiansHere are a list of Psalms for different occasions for weary pilgrims. Occasion / Prayer Psalm Morning Prayer 3 Evening Prayer 4 January 22, 2023 psalms

Worship and Reading PlanThis Worship/Reading Plan can be adapted to suit everyone’s need. The way I have it you ready about 10 chapters a day. 5 in the morning and 5 in the January 22, 2023

How I WriteMy writing workflow is fairly simple. I start out generally writing it down in my physical journal (if the idea comes up in my devotions or I am at December 5, 2022 ramblings

Prayer, Poetry, and Ponderings from a Christian Writer.

The Crucified and Risen King will be returning.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
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