My writing workflow is fairly simple.
I start out generally writing it down in my physical journal (if the idea comes up in my devotions or I am at home) but if I am on the go I just create a txt file and jot it down there so I don’t forget it.

Photo of an orange type writer.Photo By Andrea Piacquadio

When Writing at Home

Once I am home and ready to write, ~I open up my FocusWriter program and start typing away. I love it because….~

I now use Ghost Writer.

  • it is simple
  • shows a example of the end product
  • fast
  • distraction free

When Writing Away

If I am traveling for my secular job, I write just using my phone and a built in text editor. Or just open up a simple notepad.

Editing After First Rough Draft

I will say that my writings stay in this phase for a long time. I have a tendency to keep re-editing, expanding, shrinking, adding, subtracting…phew… I think you get the idea. I have written a lot but most never get published due to me probably being too critical of myself. It is something I am trying to work on.

Final Formatting

After I have written and edited my words, I then start the process of formatting and getting it ready in markdown. For this I currently use Notepad++ ( I now use Ghost Writer as my main formatting tool). You could use VSCode, iAWriter, and a host of other markdown editors. I prefer just free and simple programs. I then add the multimedia (if there is any) and update any links I might want to add (external websites, verse links, etc).

And that is about it. Super simple and not a very complex system. I generally do an outline and go from there but sometimes I just start writing to see where the words take me.

Thanks for reading!

A. T. Sully

― ♰ ―

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Above all, I covet your prayers most. Please pray that my strength in Christ remains steady and true. And that my work would always bring glory to Him and the Faith He set forth.

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December 5, 2022

Prayer, Poetry, and Ponderings from a Christian Writer.

The Crucified and Risen King will be returning.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
A.T.Sully © CC-by-SA
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