The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ

Welcome to an aspiring Christian Poet’s Personal Website about Prayer, Poetry, and Ponderings.

One of the main things in my life I keep contemplating is that in this life we are on a journey to that Holy Land where Christ is King. (Hebrews 11:12-16) This fleeting life is just a short journey to a destination. Either into the Blessed Realm or to the Valley of Eternal Death. With that in mind I hope to encourage others who follow our Lord and Saviour as well as preach Him Who was crucified to save those that are lost.

If you want to know what the Gospel is click here.

You can read my blog posts here.

You can check out my current projects here

What can you expect to find on this website?

The focus will be on preaching Christ as well as writing about the Christian walk. I will keep it Christ-centered and hope to bring glory to our Saviour and King as well as help those along the way.

I plan on writing about the follow…

  • A Christian’s personal walk
  • Poetry and Ponderings
  • Theological writings

For the Christian walk I will just write about life, that race that is set before us ( Hebrews 12:1-2 ). From the mundane to the everyday, I plan to cover a variety of topics. Hopefully it will help those who are struggling in this cursed world.

On Poetry and Ponderings, it will be just jotting down thoughts along with some poetic musings. I do not consider myself the best but it is a hobby of mine that I enjoy.

With the theological writings, it will be based of course on the Bible. I hope to be a good Berean and rightly divide the Word of Truth . I believe every aspect of life can be navigated using the Word of God and hope to reflect that as I write.

When do I plan to post?

When I get the time and find a topic that interests me. The problem is that I will get started on a topic and that will lead into another topic which chains into another topic which links back to a previous topic… I think you get the idea.

Photo by Suzy HazelwoodPhoto by Suzy Hazelwood

I hope you enjoy this site and above all I hope it brings glory to our Lord and Saviour.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen. 2 Corinthians 13:14

A. T. Sully

Prayer, Poetry, and Ponderings
from a Christian Writer.

The Crucified and Risen King
will be returning.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
A.T.Sully © CC-by-SA
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